AFA 2020 brings more top Japanese musicians online

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To be precise, tomorrow or December 5th, 2020, AFA Online 2020 will take place. The event will have many top Japanese musicians and idols ready to entertain you.

For more details, let’s see who will be attending the event.

Top Musicians at AFA 2020 Online

Sally Amaki | Doctor: Special

Based on the information, the event will feature many of the best musicians from Japan. Anyone? Let’s see till the end.

The most popular Idol group in Japan would later participate in the event. 22/7 is a Siyu idol phenomenon whose every look certainly cannot be missed by J-pop music lovers.

Queen of Memes (Memord). Sally, who visited Jakarta at the Creators Super Fest a year ago, was one of the most retweeted tweets 22/7. Sally will also be present at AFA 2020 Online later.

The virtual YouTuber (VTuber) who is eccentric, unique, funny, who is passionate about playing games, will be present dancing at tomorrow’s event. Moona Hololive is a character from Indonesia (ID)

Singers and voice actors from various anime and games will also appear at AFA 2020 Online later. Ayaka also voices Saya Yamabuki from Bang Dream.

Register and win tons of exciting prizes

AFA Online | Doctor: Special

In addition to many musicians and other famous people, artist showcases, special guests, top-tier musicians from JPOP, regional Southeast Asia cosplayers and dozens of artists will be brought in directly from Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, China and other Southeast Asian countries. Neighboring country.

Watch the premiere of #AFAONLINE2020 tomorrow and 05th and 06th December 2020 after 13:00 WIB (Jakarta Time, Indonesia)

ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA ONLINE 2020 #AFAONLINE2020 is a non-ticketed program (FREE) and can only be viewed on AFA’s official Youtube and
AFA official website.

Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to participate in the AFA Challenge contest to win prizes from ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA, EXCLUSIVE HAMPERS, GIVEAWAY and CASH PRIZES USD200! So, don’t miss out on watching tomorrow’s program.