father of computer in the world

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The title of father of computers in the world is given to the person who is considered to have played an important role in the development of the computer industry. This degree is awarded to individuals who have made major contributions to the field of computer technology and have changed the way we live and work using computers.

Role of father of computer in the world

It has a very important role in the development of computer technology industry, the father of computers in the world. They are personalities who have made significant innovations in the world of computers and pioneered the development of this technology.

history of computer development

The development of computers began in 1936 when a scientist named Alan Turing managed to create the Turing Machine concept. This machine is considered the forerunner of the modern computer that we know today. Since then, computers have continued to evolve with many contributions from various scientists and experts in this field.

In the 1940s, John von Neumann developed the concept of the von Neumann computer architecture, which became the basis for future computer development. This concept allows a computer to store programs and data in the same memory, enabling the computer to perform more complex tasks.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple Inc. in the 1970s. Company established. and launched the Apple I, the first personal computer to use a graphical interface. This innovation made a major contribution to the development of the personal computer and opened the door to the personal computing era we enjoy today.

father of computer in the world

There are many personalities who are considered to be the father of computers in the world. Here are some of them:

1. Alan Turing

Alan Turing was an English mathematician and computer scientist who is considered one of the most influential figures in computer history. He succeeded in creating the concept of the Turing machine which became the basis of the modern computer.

2. Bill Gates

Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft Corporation and one of the leading figures in the computer technology industry. He was successful in developing the Windows operating system which became one of the most popular operating systems in the world.

3. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is the founder of Apple Inc. And he is considered one of the greatest innovators in the computer industry. He was successful in developing revolutionary products such as Macintosh, iPod, iPhone and iPad, which have changed the way we use computers and technology.

4. Linus Torvalds

Linus Torvalds was a Finnish software developer who created the Linux kernel, the operating system that forms the basis of many Linux distributions today. His contribution to the development of open source software is immense.

5. Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee is a British physicist and computer scientist best known for creating the World Wide Web (WWW). He developed the HTTP and HTML protocols which became the foundation of the Internet as we know it today.

development of computer technology

The development of computer technology continues at a rapid pace. Computers that used to be large and expensive have now become smaller, faster and more affordable. The development of this technology has affected almost all aspects of our lives from communication, education, entertainment, business to industry.

The development of computer technology has also had a significant impact on the industrial sector. Automation and robotics are on the rise, replacing human jobs in many areas. Computer technology also enables the development of intelligent systems such as artificial intelligence and big data processing that aid in better decision making.


The fathers of computers in the world are those personalities who have made a major contribution to the development of the computer technology industry. He is the person who has made significant innovations and has been a pioneer in the development of this technology. Computer technology continues to develop rapidly and is having a significant impact on our lives. With the existence of the father of computer in the world, we can enjoy the various facilities and benefits offered by today’s computer technology.