How to View the Mobile Legends Leaderboard to Know Your Rank

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GameTrain – Mobile Legends game has a lot of heroes presented to choose from as heroes while competing.

Like other MOBA-style games, Mobile Legends encourages players to compete with each other to be the best.

Not only in terms of competition, players can also compete to be the best in a category. Also through the leaderboard system or leaderboards, you can see which players are good at using Heroes.

In this way, as a developer Montone provides players with multiple ways to compete and show off their skills.

Learn about the leaderboard system

The leaderboard system was one place where Moonton introduced players who could be called experts. Not only in using specific heroes, on the leaderboard you can also see rank, win rate, achievements, fans, popularity and more.

The calculation system is also different for each category. For example in Ranked category, you need to get consecutive stars or points which you get every time you win a match in Ranked Mode.

Meanwhile for the Heroes category, your ability will be measured through the Hero Power you get every time you win a match using a Hero. Of course this means you need to win when competing in Ranked Mode to get points, but if you lose it will be reduced.

The leaderboard system is also divided into several more leaderboards. You can see global and local rankings near you. This way you can gradually figure out the ranking of the nearest babysitter first, such as being the best at the neighborhood or city level.

Interestingly, if you manage to capture a spot in the Street category, you can show that achievement on your profile. You can also pin a title that includes Beginner, Junior, Senior and Supreme which will also appear on the loading page before the competition.

How to View Leaderboards in Mobile Legends

  1. play mobile legend game
  2. log in use your account
  3. On the main page, press the icon Bar chart in the upper right corner
  4. choose Category what do you want to see on the left
  5. choose also Leaderboard type dif you wanna change it i’m at the top

Now with the leaderboard system, you can compete in different ways so that it adds excitement and reason for you to continue playing Mobile Legends.

So there are many ways to show off your skills in Mobile Legends, although most of them require you to win matches in Ranked Mode. Let’s compete!