Instagram Stories Overwhelmed? Instagram Story Part Grown? (2023)

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Instagram Stories Overwhelmed? Instagram Story Part Grown? This question is a topic that has been on the agenda recently and is sparking the curiosity of the social media giant Instagram. To investigate this question, a competition has started in the Google search engine, which has attracted the attention of crores of social media users. Instagram’s popular Stories feature has become the perfect tool for users to share their daily lives, capture instant experiences, and engage with their followers. However, more recently, Instagram Stories have been claimed to have grown and evolved.

Instagram Stories Overwhelmed?

Instagram story or story problem has been described as a situation that many users have faced recently. When the app is opened, the story portion takes up a larger area than usual, occupying the top of the page. This causes the Instagram app to look aesthetically unappealing. Also, this issue limits sharing of your stories with your friends.

How to solve grown Instagram stories?

instagram stories are up

There are simple steps to fix the story issue Instagram users have been facing recently. You can use Instagram’s help center or in person to solve problems on this popular social media platform. Suitable methods can be used. These problems are usually not caused by Instagram but by some issues with your phone. The most effective way to fix these rare problems is by updating the Instagram app.

Here are the steps you can follow to fix the Instagram Story issue:

  1. Update Instagram: Using the latest version of Instagram can help in fixing the problems. Update the Instagram app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Clear Instagram Cache: Clearing the Instagram cache on your device can help fix problems. Go to Settings, open Apps or Application Manager, find Instagram and clear the cache.
  3. Try a different device: Your problem may only be with your device. Try opening Instagram on another device (phone or tablet) and see if the problem persists.
  4. Check device settings: In your phone’s settings, check your network connections, notifications, and app permissions. You can help fix the problem by adjusting related settings.
  5. Check Internet connection. Instagram requires a stable Internet connection to function properly. Check your Wi-Fi or mobile data connection and restart the connection as necessary.
  6. Check device date and time: Check the date and time settings on your device. Incorrect date or time setting may affect the proper functioning of Instagram. You can resolve the issue by providing the correct date and time settings.
  7. Contact the Instagram Help Center: If the above steps don’t solve the problem, you can contact the official Help Center of Instagram. You can learn more about your problem and get solution suggestions by getting support from the Help Center.

You can have a smooth usage experience by following the steps above to fix Instagram Stories problem. Remember, the problem is usually caused by phone or app settings so you can fix it by following simple steps.