The computers we use today are second generation computers

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Computer is one of the greatest inventions in human history. In its development, the computer has experienced several different generations. What generation of computers are we currently using?

first generation computer

First generation computers were computers developed in the 1940s to early 1950s. This computer uses vacuum tubes to process data and uses a binary coding system. Although the first generation computers were slow and had limited memory capacity, they paved the way for later computer developments.

second generation computers

The development of the second generation of computers began in the 1950s to 1960s. In this generation of computers, transistors were used instead of vacuum tubes. Transistors are smaller, more durable, and more energy efficient. This allowed the second generation of computers to have better speed and memory capacity than the previous generation.

third generation computers

In the 1960s and 1970s, the third generation of computers began to emerge. The use of integrated circuits (IC) was introduced in this generation. IC is an electronic circuit consisting of several components such as resistors, transistors and capacitors built on a single silicon chip. The use of ICs makes computers smaller, faster and more energy efficient.

fourth generation computers

In the 1970s to 1980s, the fourth generation of computers began to appear. Microprocessor was invented in this generation. A microprocessor is a chip that contains a central processing unit (CPU), memory, and input/output devices. Microprocessors enabled the development of smaller, faster, and more affordable computers.

fifth generation computer

In contrast to the significant developments between previous generations, there is no consistent definition of fifth generation computers. In general, fifth generation computers refer to developments in the fields of artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence) and parallel processing (parallel processing). Fifth generation computers focused on developing computers that could think like humans.

sixth generation computer

The sixth generation computer is still in the development and research stage. This generation includes technological advances such as quantum computing, light-based computing (optical computing), and other technological advances that have not yet been fully realized. The sixth generation of computers is expected to overcome the limitations of previous generations of computers and pave the way for new innovations in the future.


The computers we use today are fourth generation computers. The fourth generation of computers used microprocessors which made computers smaller, faster and more economical. Nevertheless, the development of computers did not stop until the fourth generation. Technological advances continue and it is expected that the next generation of computers, such as fifth and sixth generation computers, will bring new innovations that will change the way we interact with computer technology.