What does a Trendyol starred product mean? (1-2-3 Star Product) 2023

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What does a Trendyol starred product mean? Today, with the widespread use of online shopping, shopping on leading e-commerce platforms such as Trendyol has become very popular. However, we are faced with the fact that not every product can satisfy its buyer. At this point, the theme of the ‘starred product’, which often comes up in Trendiol, comes to the fore. So, what does it mean for a product to be 1, 2 or 3 stars on Trendyol? In this article, we will explore the meaning of Trendyol starred products and how they can affect our shopping experience.

What does a Trendyol starred product mean?

What does a Trendyol starred product mean?

With the proliferation of online shopping, you may notice a distinct label when shopping on Trendyol, which stands out from most major e-commerce platforms: Star Product. So, what exactly do Trendyol starred products mean? These labels convey the discount status of the products and the changes made to their prices. The number of stars and colors of the products vary according to the discount rate and become an important criteria for the buyers. Now, let’s take a closer look at the meaning of 1, 2 and 3 star products in Trendyol.

What does Trendyol 1 star product mean?

When you see a 1-star product on Trendyol, it’s important to know what this label means. 1-Star items are items that are sold at a limited discount on their original price. These products come with a slight discount in price. That is, they are still at an affordable price level for buyers. especially 1-star products are very interesting for users who want to control their budget or buy a certain product at a reasonable price. However, due to the low discount rate, they may be less preferred than other starred products.

What does Trendyol 2 star product mean?

At Trendyol, 2-star products are products that have a slight discount on their prices. Products marked with this tag are offered to the buyers at a reasonable discount as compared to their original price. 2-star products can be an attractive option for buyers as they offer a price advantage. When the discount rate is attractive enough, users may turn to these products to control their budget and meet their needs at the same time. Hence, 2-star products are often among the preferred choices at Trendyol shopping.

What does a Trendyol 3-star product mean?

You can feel your shopping spree rise when you see a 3-star product on Trendyol. The 3-star label represents the highest discount on the product’s price. These are products that are offered for sale at a huge discount as compared to their original price. The high discount rates give users an attractive opportunity and they usually sell out quickly. 3-star products attract a lot of attention among buyers and are a popular choice in Trendyol shopping.

Finding 3-star products at Trendyol provides a significant advantage. You can shop at reasonable prices and meet your requirements. Big discounts give users the opportunity to buy quality products at more affordable prices. However, it is important to act quickly as 3-star items are usually in limited numbers.

in conclusion, Trendyol starred products make a valuable contribution to our shopping experience. Labels with 1, 2 and 3 stars indicate the discount rate and the change in product price. Each star level offers different benefits and offers a variety of options tailored to buyer preferences. When shopping on Trendyol, it’s important to consider these starred products and evaluate the options that fit your budget. Remember, making the right choice can have a positive impact on your shopping experience and help you get the products you want at the best prices.