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Youtube, which is the most used video watching platform in the world, has decided to put ads on all videos in recent years. Many users are looking for ways to get rid of these ads.

youtube ads Now, it almost always appears before, in the middle, at the end of every video we watch, and it interrupts the video we are watching. This situation has become quite disturbing for Youtube users.

These ads reduced our enjoyment of the videos we watched, ads caused distractions that interrupted listening to something important, and ads that appeared while listening to music made music unusable. For these reasons people are looking for a way to block these ads somehow.

How to turn off youtube ads?

block youtube ads Possible with the help of some applications. The most used of these applications can be accessed through Chrome. For this, you have to first click on Menu and then click on Other Tools and Extensions button.

This will open a page about the extension. On this page, you should find and click the Get more extensions button. Thus, you will be able to access the Chrome browser’s application store. You can find Adblock app from this store and add its extension in your browser. You can then get rid of Youtube ads by clicking on the extension and activating it.

Activating this extension blocks not only Youtube ads, but also ads that appear on every website you enter through the Chrome browser. If you do not want this, you can use the version of the Adblock application that was released only to block Youtube ads.

How do Youtube ads appear?

block ads on youtubeAt the same time, it is also a matter of great curiosity that on what basis these advertisements come out. Advertisements are personalized to the individual in line with certain factors.

Some of these factors are the types of videos you watch, the applications on the device you watch videos on and how often you use these applications, the websites you access on the same device, the types of ads that Whom you have encountered and interacted with before. , the country and city you are in, your age and gender.

Youtube reviews all of these before displaying ads and shows you the ads that interest you the most.

You too how to block youtube ads If you are curious, you can know about this topic through our article.

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