Rebellion Will Take Jenflix Slots in MPL Season 8, Really?

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A few weeks ago, the Zenflix Aerowolf was hit by a case that led to the disbanding of several of their divisions. Following the incident, rumors surfaced that Genflix would take Aerowolf’s slot in the Rebellion Esports MPL Season 8.

However, is this information true or is it just a rumour? Let’s check out Gamedaim Esports’ article below.

Slots for MPL Season 8 Rebellion?

Currently, there are none confirmation Anything related to a Rebellion Esports post that includes the name Genflix. This is because, some parties have not been able to announce the association of these two esports teams or anything related. Other than that, both Rebellion and Genflix have a similar relationship.

Both are teams that have a Mobile Legends division. Nevertheless, Rebellion Esports is one of the participants in the MDL or Mobile Legends Development League event. Meanwhile, the Zenflix Aerowolf is a team that plays in the MPL or Mobile Legends Premier League.

You need to note, some of the Genflix members like Clay, Bott and Marge are no longer in team uniform. Clay decides to go to RRQ and Bottle joins BTR. Meanwhile, Marz hasn’t found a team yet.

most likely yes

MPL Indonesia Season 8 | special

Rebellion Esports’ presence at the MPL Season 8 event is actually quite large. The reason is that the team has made a lot of changes by bringing in 7 new players instead of the previous 4 players.

For now, there has been no confirmation regarding the announcement from the rebellion. The reason is that it is likely that this is just a form of collaboration and there is no discussion about MPL Season 8.

What do you think about this? Write in the column provided by us. Don’t forget to share this information with your friends as well.

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