Stardew Valley Ready to Hold the First Esports Tournament?

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Some gamers are surely familiar with this game made by Concerned Ape Studio. Once popularized for its gamer nostalgia concept, this time there’s some new news in Stardew Valley that’s pretty weird and crazy. Consistently delivering the latest unique content, Stardew Valley is reportedly in the midst of hosting the first esports tournament this time around. So how will it happen? let’s follow the discussion gamedem news This one.

As you already know, Stardew Valley is a game that takes inspiration from Harvest Moon by Marvelous Games. This game is a livestock simulation game that focuses on the concept of story and socialization. Then, how can a sport that was once considered a casual sport even belong in an esports tournament. What do they want to compete in this farming game?

ConcernedApp hosts an esports match for Stardew Valley

via account’s latest post Stardew Valley’s Twitter Social Media, the dev side openly stated that they would hold the first tournament for the Stardew Valley game. This match would later be named the Stardew Valley Cup! Whose value pool is 40 thousand USD. This performance was purposely done to applaud the loyal Stardew Valley gamers who always play the game.

The concept itself is quite simple. You will play in Co-Op with a team of 4 people. Later they will compete for each team to get the highest score in different challenges like knowledge, cooperation and skill to play this game. You will also compete to create a beautiful and perfect farm. There are currently 4 teams registered for the competition.

With a value pool of 40 thousand USD

They also provide the complete schedule on the videos launched by them for the implementation of this tournament. Stardew Valley Cup later! They will organize it on September 4, 2021. You can watch the match on ConcernedApp Studios’ Twitch channel. Although it is actually quite strange, fans still welcome the performance positively.

For those of you who haven’t tried this game, now is the right time to try it. Stardew Valley is only available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch and mobile platforms. As usual, PC users can buy the game through the digital Steam store platform. What do you think, would you be interested to try this great game?

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