What is Karma a bitch? (Instagram, TikTok) (2023)

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Hello dear readers, today with you “What is Karma a bitch?We will share the answer to the question. The term comes up again and again, especially on these popular platforms in recent years, and most of us must have heard it. So what does this phrase mean and why has it become so popular? Here, you can find all the details in this article.

What is Karma a bitch?

What is Karma a bitch?

The phrase “karma is a bitch” has become very popular in recent years, especially on social media platforms. This expression, which is often used especially on platforms like Instagram and Tiktok, often means that a person’s bad behavior will come back to him.

This expression is actually used with the English translation of the Sanskrit word “karma”. Karma is often defined as the principle of action taken by a person that is returned to him. That is, the good or bad deeds of a person can come back to him good or bad in the future.

The expression “karma is a bitch” is used when a person’s bad behavior comes back to him. The phrase is often used in posts or comments shared on social media to refer to a person’s bad behavior.

In short, the phrase “karma is a bitch” is often used as a phrase to express a person’s bad behavior. This phrase is very popular on social media. on their platforms It has become popular and is often used by many people. However, it is important to have a deep understanding of the true meaning and implications of the doctrine of karma.

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