What is Vestel Dishwasher CL Error? how to fix?

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What is Vestel Dishwasher CL Error? how to fix? You are in the right place to find the answer to this question that thousands of users wonder about. In this article, we will discuss in detail what the CL error, which most often appears in Vestel dishwashers, what it means and how it can be solved.

What is Vestel Dishwasher CL Error? how to fix?

vestel dishwasher cl error

The I CL error in Vestel dishwashers is a topic that users often wonder about. However, this error is not actually a malfunction but the child lock feature of the device. that you symbolize It is important to specify. This feature is designed to prevent potential hazards to small children while making our lives easier with electronic devices.

The CL error appears as a code that appears on the device’s control panel. This code is a security mechanism called child lock. If this code appears on the device screen, then there is no need to worry and you do not need to call any service immediately.

The child lock is activated by pressing the button with the picture of the key on the device for a few seconds. This ensures that the device is safe from unwanted interference from children during operation. The presence of the CL error indicates that this protection feature has been activated.

So, how can you fix a CL error in a Vestel dishwasher? Here are the steps:

  1. You can deactivate the child lock by pressing the key picture button on the device’s control panel for a few seconds. In this way, the device will switch to normal operating mode.
  2. If the CL error still persists, check the device’s electrical connections and restart the device if necessary by unplugging it and plugging it back in.
  3. If the problem persists then you can factory reset the device by following the steps mentioned in the user manual.
  4. If these steps do not resolve the issue, it would be best to contact Vestel Customer Service. The expert teams will identify the source of the problem and assist you.

In short, the CL error in Vestel dishwashers actually represents the child lock feature, not a malfunction. To fix this error, you can follow the simple steps or contact Vestel customer care. So you can continue to use your device safely.

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