Which is the hottest country in the world? (2023)

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Which is the hottest country in the world? This question, which sparks endless curiosity among people, invites you on a journey to discover the hottest point of the world map full of hotness. In this article, we will share with you where we will find the answers to all these questions, be it a country where the sun sets its face high, boils under the sands of the desert or a paradise scorched by tropical climate. Close your eyes and imagine a land where the heat is scorching and the wind blows like fire and hits you in the face. Now, let’s explore together and start an exciting journey to the hottest country in the world.

Which is the hottest country in the world?

hottest country in the world

Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, which tops the list of hottest places in the world according to data from the World Meteorological Organisation, is known for its humid and hot weather which is overwhelming at all times of the year. , Its tropical climate brings this geography, which receives the sun’s rays most intensely and intensely, to the first place in terms of temperature.

Bangkok’s summer is a combination of several factors. The first factor is the location and geography of the city. Thailand is located in Southeast Asia and is very close to the equator. That’s why here the sun’s rays reach the earth directly and vertically. This factor, which causes high temperatures throughout the year, makes Bangkok one of the hottest places in the world.

In addition, the climate of Bangkok is another important factor affecting the temperature. The city shows a typical example of a tropical climate. With high humidity, the temperature becomes even more pronounced. Especially in the summer months the temperature can reach 40 degrees and the humidity is at a very high level. It makes Bangkok, its visitors and native Makes it a very sweaty city.

Apart from the warmth of Bangkok, the energy of the city is also unique here. Famous for its cobbled streets, bustling markets and colorful nightlife, Bangkok offers a unique experience to its visitors. However, it’s also important to be mindful of the temperature when exploring this energetic environment. It is important to take precautions like sunscreen cream, a hat and plenty of water to travel comfortably in hot weather.

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