Build City Life Mod APK 1.45.4 (Free Shopping) for Android

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Fans of the famous pretend play series of My Town games will now have themselves an awesome mobile title to enjoy on their Android devices, where all their favorite features from all My Town games come together. Enjoy playing the addictive gameplay of My Town: Build a City Life, in which mobile gamers will have access to their own pretend play city.

Dive into the fully simulated in-game world with many cool locations and interesting characters that you can play with. Use the elements of pretend play to freely set up your different scenarios in the game and have full enjoyment with them. Explore different uses of cool interactions with objects, characters and some locations to freely enjoy the pretend play gameplay in your own way.

Find out more about this great mobile title from My Town Games and all its interesting features with our comprehensive reviews.

Story / Gameplay

Here in My Town: Build a City Life, Android gamers will have themselves a great pretend play title to keep on their Android devices, where they will get to experience a fully simulated world with interesting locations, cool items, different characters and endless interactions. is offered in the city. each of them. Have fun playing the awesome role playing gameplay as you pretend to be any character and create your own stories in the game. Parents will now have a great Android game to offer their kids, which will help inspire their creativity and can be used for a number of educational purposes. Needless to mention that the friendly graphics and gameplay will ensure that gamers of all ages can still enjoy the game.

Explore the massive in-game city with multiple locations, each with their own unique settings and unique buildings that you can interact with. Play your role-playing game with a huge collection of different characters, each with their own unique look, customizable expressions, and multiple interactions with in-game elements. Explore different interactions between characters and objects in certain locations to create your own pretend play scenario. And most importantly, the game will now allow you to extend your fun with shared play experiences.


Here are all the exciting features the game has to offer:

Build Your Own Pretend Play City

With My Town: Build a City Life, Android gamers all can enjoy this cool city building gameplay that allows gamers to build the city of their dreams. Have fun working with the interactive city builder gameplay where you are introduced to 40 customizable game areas. Choose between many different buildings and constructions to create your own mini world however you want. Explore the uses of the many customizations to change how your city looks accordingly.

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Create your own characters with unique attributes

Gamers in My Town: Build a City Life are allowed to create their own character and enjoy the game with its interesting role-playing experiences. Don’t hesitate to choose your name, gender and how you look using the settings provided at the beginning of the game. Enjoy playing the game with many other characters of the city to experience your own adventures.

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enjoy playing dress up gameplay

And for those of you who are into dressing up games, now you can have fun playing My Town: Build a City Life with great character designs. Feel free to use the app to design your own characters using cool hats, shoes, clothes, costumes, and other interesting accessories. Use them to enable cool looks on all your characters. Match their clothing with the city to enhance your in-game experiences.

Customize the city with your own rules

Gamers in My Town: Build a City Life will have the option to freely customize the city with their own set of rules and features using the editing options provided. You can change not only how the city looks but also how its citizens live. Thus, making the game more fun to interact with.

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Collect and explore all the cool dollhouses

To make the game more fun and interesting, My Town: Build a City Life gamers are now allowed to collect and interact with their various dollhouses in the city. Explore cool dollhouse rooms with interesting rooms and unique items, each with multiple interactions with in-game characters. Enjoy setting up your own pretend play scenarios in the game with your own unique stories. The game would allow you to freely interact with your dollhouses however you wanted.

Enjoy shared play experiences with friends

With the Shared Play feature now available for My Town: Build a City Life gamers, you can now build your own city and enjoy playing the role-playing game with friends. Become your own character in the town and interact freely with each other using the pretend-play features provided by the game. Increase your fun by making friends in your city and enjoy your real city adventure together.

Exciting mini-games to enjoy

To make the game more fun and exciting, My Town: Build a City Life will also offer several exciting mini-games, each with its own unique mechanics and gameplay that you can enjoy. Here, you can have the best family games for the kids to enjoy whenever they’re in town. Just tune into the game and explore the unique mini-adventures it has to offer:

great events to enjoy all year long

For those of you who are interested, you can now enjoy many great events with My Town: Build a City Life. Here, the game provides gamers with a number of interesting seasonal events, each allowing you to enjoy a unique adventure with their own themes and scenarios.

collect hearts to have more fun in the game

The town is full of heart pieces that you can collect and use as the currency of the mini dollhouse world. Collect hearts so you can unlock new builds, upgrades, in-game items and props for the characters. Thus, allowing you to have more fun with the game.

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A great learning game to teach your kids

Kid gamers and parents will surely find this awesome mobile title of My Town: Build a City Life a great game to have on their mobile devices. Here, parents and teachers can enjoy addictive pretend play with their kids, which will help them learn about the real world through multiple simulated in-game scenarios. And also, kids gamers can freely express their creativity in the game, thanks to its unlimited in-game elements and great features.

Mobile game accessible to all gamers

And like My Town: Home Dollhouse and My Town: Farm, this new My Town game will be accessible to gamers of all ages, thanks to its friendly graphics and accessible gameplay. Kid gamers will have creative, liberating and educational gameplay to enjoy. And adults will have a good mobile game to relax with the kids or on their own. Feel free to experience the drama title as you wish.

Also, offline play will allow all Android gamers to enjoy the game without having to connect to the internet. Now, there is no need to look for an active Wi-Fi connection or turn on your mobile cellular data just to play a game. Furthermore, with the non-demanding gameplay, gamers can tune in and play or leave the game whenever they want.

free to play

Despite all the exciting features, the game is still free for all the Android gamers to enjoy on their mobile devices. As a result, you can easily pick it up google play store And start playing without sharing anything. Just keep in mind that the freemium title will come with ads and in-game purchases that may bother you.

Enjoy free and unlocked games on our website

With the free and unlocked version of the game now available on our website, mobile gamers may want to forget about the original app. Instead, by simply installing My Town: Build a City Life Mod APK From our website, you can enjoy modified gameplay with removed ads and unlimited features. Thus, allowing you to fully enjoy the game.

visual and sound quality


With friendly graphics, interesting in-game animations, and realistic visual effects, My Town: Build a City Life introduces Android gamers to its own immersive and engaging world of pretend play experiences, in which mobile gamers will always be fully engaged with their game. can have fun with , Plus, the undemanding 2D graphics will make sure that you won’t have any issues playing the game across all your Android devices.

sound and music

Along with cool graphics, it also includes friendly and upbeat music, which are perfectly suited for kid gamers and should allow them to have more fun playing the game.

final thoughts

With fun, free and exciting gameplay of pretend play and town simulation, My Town: Build a City Life will make a great mobile title for all Android gamers.

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