FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered Mod APK 1.0.0 Download (Premium) Free for Android

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The classic RPG series of Final Fantasy is back in its latest installment on mobile platforms. Now, Android gamers will have the opportunity to enjoy this masterpiece Final Fantasy VIII Remastered right on their mobile devices. Featuring interactive gameplay and original in-game experiences, fans of the series and new gamers alike will have a ton of fun exploring the spectacular in-game world and adventure.

Get ready to immerse yourself in the beautiful world of fantasy in this new mobile title from Square Enix, in which you will be able to freely explore the immersive gameplay, enjoy the captivating storyline and engage yourself in many amazing actions . Go on the ultimate adventure through the fantasy lands of FINAL FANTASY VIII and enjoy the classic masterpiece, now available on your mobile devices.

Learn more about this special game from Square Enix with our comprehensive reviews.

Story / Gameplay

Here in Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, Android gamers will find themselves exploring a fantasy world of magic, power, and technological advancement. Here, the Republic of Galbadia, under the full influence of the mad sorceress Edia, is about to mobilize its forces towards other countries. They plan to wage war against all of humanity and other races on this land to usurp their powers and serve the evil queen.

Gamers will join the adventure as Squall and other members of CED, a righteous mercenary force dedicated to their objectives to stop the Enchantress from carrying out her evil plans. Along the way, you’ll meet Rinoa, a resistance fighter for the Republic. Together, with the help of several friends, you will face many challenges to fight against the tyrannical rules of Galbadia and try to bring peace to this land. Take down Edea and stop all of her evil plans from coming true.

Featuring an engaging story that will keep you engaged at every stage of the game, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered will ensure that all gamers can have fun with their in-game experiences. Moreover, the massive elements of RPG, turn-based strategy, puzzle-solving, and more, will keep you completely hooked to this exclusive mobile title.

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Here are all the exciting features the game has to offer:

Simple and perfectly emulated controls from classic PS1

To start with, Android gamers can quickly engage themselves in the simple yet extremely enjoyable gameplay in FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered thanks to its intuitive touch controls. Here, you’re introduced to the classic PS1 virtual touch controls, which mimic all of the standard buttons on your physical controller. Thus, allowing older PS1 owners to quickly involve themselves in the gameplay. Plus, new virtual assistant buttons will provide quick access to all in-game settings. Thus, you get more fun playing the game.

A huge world with lots of interesting adventures

Here in Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, Android gamers will have the chance to explore the vast in-game world with many amazing adventures to be had. Discover yourself multiple locations with unique features and interesting adventures. Engage yourself in a series of exciting in-game actions and adventures. Discover tons of hidden secrets and have fun interacting with the many unique characters from the series. All these should make the game more enjoyable for the gamers.

Multiple characters to interact or play with

Throughout the game, you’ll have the chance to freely interact with different characters, each with their own unique characteristics and features. Have fun exploring the vast world of Final Fantasy VIII Remastered and meet all kinds of people. Add new characters to your team to defeat Edea, each with their own unique powers and abilities. Or interact freely with other story-related characters, which will lead you to many new adventures.

Feel free to customize your characters with items, skills and magic

Here in Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, gamers are allowed to freely customize their playable characters. Feel free to work with different items and gear, which will definitely give your characters a boost. Choose to unlock useful upgrades that will increase their stats and attributes.

Or you can level up your characters by earning experience points by winning battles. Power them up with newly available skill points, unlock special abilities, magic and more. All these will make the in-game strategy elements more exciting.

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Explore the vast elements of strategy throughout the game

For those of you who are interested, you can now explore the huge element of strategy during thrilling gameplay of Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. Here, you’re free to explore unique team compositions that boast certain attacking or defending attributes. Engage yourself in thrilling battles with a variety of opponents with unique battle mechanics and abilities that will require you to adapt with new strategies. And the turn-based mechanics will ensure that you have all the time in the world to decide how you’re going to approach certain challenges. Feel free to make your own decisions to get the best experience in the game.

interesting puzzles to solve

Here in Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, Android gamers will have the chance to fully indulge in awesome puzzles, which are neatly organized along with your discoveries. The challenges require you to find clever and creative ways to solve certain problems. Thus, making the game much more than a simple strategy or adventure title.

Summon the Guardian Force to support your characters

To add more support during their epic quests to defeat the Evil Queen, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered allows gamers to summon all kinds of powerful creatures to support them during battle. It’s similar to the original Final Fantasy and many other great titles that followed. As the Guardian Force, gamers can summon powerful spirits with incredible powers to join them during battle. Use their special abilities and insane brute strength to take down your opponents, or even Edea herself.

Enchant enemies to make your characters more powerful

Furthermore, to add more dimension to the tactical aspects of the game, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered will have the ability for gamers to extract magic from certain items. As a result, you can unleash some magic and use their special effects on your characters to have more fun in the game.

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Explore New Junctioning Systems

To make the mobile gaming experience more enjoyable, the game will have its own new junctioning system, which allows gamers to easily equip their characters with some Guardian Force or stock magic. This will increase the powers and abilities of our characters, making it easier for them to combat enemies, especially in the later stages of the game.

Useful battle assist mode to work with

Also, each character will have their own Battle Assist mode, which allows them to activate the Limit Breaks option during battle. This should give your characters better stats, powerful abilities, and new skills. Thus, giving them more chances to win the challenges. To unlock this mode just time it right to max out your HP and ATB gauges during any fight.

Never bother with unwanted visits

And if you find random encounters with unwanted opponents annoying enough, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered even offers the option to turn off battle encounters. As a result, Android gamers will no longer have any issues in exploring the game. Just keep in mind that this will limit your chances to farm creeps and earn more experience for characters.

Optimize in-game speed for better experience

To make the game more enjoyable, Android gamers in FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered are now allowed to speed up the gameplay, especially through the stages you’ve gone through before. The mobile version now supports up to 3x the speed of gameplay. Thus, allowing you to have more fun playing it.

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Get access to free and unlocked games on our website

Currently the price of this game is very high google play store, some of you may not be able to enjoy it. Therefore, we also offer a free and unlocked version of Final Fantasy VIII Remastered on our website instead. Here, you will have access to free and full games without paying anything. F has to downloadINAL Fantasy VIII Remastered Mod APKFollow the given instructions to install it successfully, and you can start having fun with the game.

visual and sound quality


Here in Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, Android gamers can enjoy the game thanks to the enhanced environment and character models. Even the battles will look and feel more exciting than the original due to enhanced visual effects and better animations. Plus, the perfectly optimized graphics will work well on most of your Android devices, thus, allowing Android gamers to enjoy smooth and satisfying gameplay whenever they want.

sound and music

Along with simple and pleasant graphics, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered also has its own wonderful soundtrack and exciting sound effects for Android gamers to enjoy. Enjoy immersing yourself in the special world of FINAL FANTASY while enjoying the classic tunes that have become a part of your childhood.

final thoughts

Prepare to fully immerse yourself in the amazing world of Final Fantasy VIII in Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, where gamers will get the chance to enjoy the classic PS1 title on their mobile device. And this time, with completely revamped graphics, improved gameplay and optimized experiences, you can really enjoy the game to the fullest.

With the captivating storyline, amazing gameplay, addictive in-game content and many more features, Android gamers can always immerse themselves in the classic RPG title. And thanks to the free and unlocked version of the game on our website, you will definitely have more reasons to enjoy it.

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